Anubala's Kitchen

Verkadalai Ammani Kozhakattai

Verkadalai Ammani Kozhakattai

The month of Aadi ( Tamil month) is considered very auspicious, especially Aadi sevvai ( tuesday) and Aadi velli ( friday). Every family have their own way of celebration. In our family, we make Kozhakattai ( South Indian version of dumplings) on one of the Aadi velli. Yesterday being Aadi velli, I made vella KozhakattaiRead more about Verkadalai Ammani Kozhakattai[…]

Broccoli Paratha

Broccoli Paratha

Parathas are my daughter’s favourite food for school tiffin. She says it’s non messy and that she finds it very easy to eat. I make Parathas once a week at least. So, I always try to make different stuffings. Few days back, I made these delicious Broccoli Paratha. As always, it’s a very easy toRead more about Broccoli Paratha[…]

Curry Leaves and Peanuts Podi Idli

Curry Leaves and Peanuts Podi Idli

Podi Idli is my family’s favourite dish. I make it often at home. Few days back I made these yummy Curry Leaves and Peanuts Podi Idli, idea inspiration from my dear cousin, Viji. She told me that one of her favourite dish was the curry leaves podi idli served in Murugan Idli Shop. Not once,Read more about Curry Leaves and Peanuts Podi Idli[…]