Anubala's Kitchen

Eggless Russian Salad

Eggless Russian Salad

Olivier salad is a traditional salad dish in Russian cuisine which is popularly known as Russian salad. It is usually made with diced boiled potatoes, carrots,green peas , eggs. celeriac, onions, diced boiled chicken or sometimes ham, tart apples and mayonnaise, with salt, pepper, and mustard added to enhance flavor, dressed with mayonnaise.    Today I have made an eggless Russian salad. I used paneer and cream cheese toRead more about Eggless Russian Salad[…]

Eggless Wholewheat Peanut Butter Cookies 

Eggless Wholewheat Peanut Butter Cookies 

My sister in law had given us of peanut butter. Since my kids do not like to use that as a sandwich spread, I thought of making cookies.  I have made today eggless wholewheat peanut butter cookies. The recipe I saw on the net had maida in it which I replaced with wholewheat and oatsRead more about Eggless Wholewheat Peanut Butter Cookies […]

Stir Fried Lentils and Farfalle Pasta

Stir Fried Lentils and Farfalle Pasta

Farfalle are a type of pasta. Commonly known as “bow-tie pasta”, the name is derived from the Italian  word farfalla which means butterfly. The “e” at the end of the word is the Italian feminine plural ending, making the meaning of the word “butterflies”. Farfalle date back to the 16th century in Lombardy and Emilia Romagana in Northern Italy. I have been wanting to try pasta withRead more about Stir Fried Lentils and Farfalle Pasta[…]

Spiced Gulkand and Pomegranate Lassi

Spiced Gulkand and Pomegranate Lassi

Lassi is a popular, traditional, yogurt based drink from India & Pakistan. Lassi is a blend of yogurt, water, spiced and sometimes, fruit.  Traditional lassi is a savoury drink, sometimes flavoured with ground and roasted cumin( jeera).  Sweet lassi, however, contains sugar or fruits, instead of spices. Lassi is our family’s favourite summer drink.  Very often I make mango lassi as that’s the fruit ofRead more about Spiced Gulkand and Pomegranate Lassi[…]

Papaya Punch

Papaya Punch

It’s summer now and it’s very important to keep the body cool and hydrated. What could be better than healthy and delicious chilled fruit juices, mocktails, punches etc. Today I have made Papaya Punch. Fruit punch is a blend of different fruit juices. There are many recipes for fruit punch, but you can create yourRead more about Papaya Punch[…]

Sago Custard Kheer

Sago Custard Kheer

When we were living in Muscat, during Dussehra, one evening, I had invited around 20 friends for haldi kumkum. I had planned to make kheer that day.  Generally I make kheer using condensed milk and evaporated milk to make a rich and creamy kheer. That particular day, I didn’t have enough of condensed milk. ThatRead more about Sago Custard Kheer[…]

Stuffed Molaga Bajji Khuzhambu 

Stuffed Molaga Bajji Khuzhambu 

Molaga ( milgai) in Tamil means chillies. Bajji molagai are the long green chillies that are used to make Bajji ( pakora). Making a stuff Bajji Molaga simmered in a tamarind grave had been in my mind for sometime. I had seen one such recipei in a cookery show. But I had not noted downRead more about Stuffed Molaga Bajji Khuzhambu […]

Cheesy Corn Rice

Cheesy Corn Rice

  I have made rice with paneer and corn many times. But this time I used crumbled paneer instead of cubed paneer to give a cheesy texture to the rice. To compliment the cheesy texture, I have added very mild but aromatic spices and added corns for some crunch. It’s one more healthy, wholesome, simpleRead more about Cheesy Corn Rice[…]

Watermelon Rind Dosa

Watermelon Rind Dosa

Watermelon Rind Dosa Few days back, I had made watermelon Othappam. I had used watermelon juice to make the Othappam batter. Two days back, when I was cutting the watermelon, as always, I kept aside the rind which was to be discarded. Just when I was about to do that, I got this idea toRead more about Watermelon Rind Dosa[…]

Chickpeas and Beet Masala Rice

Chickpeas and Beet Masala Rice

When you are not in a mood for an elaborate cooking,but want to cook a balance meal, then one pot meal is the best option. Made one such dish today. This is my own recipe. I made Chickpeas and Beet Masala rice. This is a very balanced, wholesome, colourful and a nutritious one pot meal.Read more about Chickpeas and Beet Masala Rice[…]